In 1908, 13 men organized the Smithville South Hook, Ladder, and Engine Company. Their equipment at the time consisted of one hand drawn fire wagon that was loaded with water buckets, sand and brooms. At the turn of the century, the town of North Bellmore did not exist, the area was then known as Smithville. When the area of Smithville asked to be recognized by the establishment of a post office they were informed that there already was a Smithville, NY located upstate. In order to create their own identity they changed the name to Smithville South. The name was later changed again when the LIRR created a station named Bellmore but the name stuck for the company located at the old Frederick Farms property at the intersection of Broad Street and Newbridge Road. They pulled their lone fire wagon for 14 years to fire scenes until they purchased a Ford Chassis chemical truck in 1922. The following year Engine and Rescue Company #2 was founded up north, the North Bellmore Fire Department was founded and Smithville Hook, Ladder, and Engine Company added a #1 to its title. Company 1 - sharedExtra Photos of North Bellmore Fire Trucks, possibly some not included in the company categories. Some of the photos were taken off the web and some were scanned or copied from collections. In order to share all the extra photos with you we had to omit the photos details. We placed the "LONGISLANDFIRETRUCKS" watermark on the photos for accountability purposes because we just don't have the time to label every single extra photo we have with all the details. If the photo was taken or scanned by someone else the marks are still on the photo. The details for most of the photos can be found in the company categories. Thanks to all who have contributed. Enjoy.
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