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North Merrick North Bellmore Meadowmere Park Updates and adds to: Rockville Centre Historic Fire Scene Collection. is happy to offer free Classified ads and image hosting on our site. The advertisement must be related to present or antique fire apparatus, fire equipment, photos, collections, or other firematic related items.
A reminder to all FIRE DEPARTMENTS: will accept classifieds from ANY fire department selling apparatus or appropriate equipment either by outright sale or by bid at NO COST to the department including posting of images. Thank you to fire departments that advertise their apparatus with us. This gives our members and others a chance to preserve more of firefighting's history and can help out a department budget by bringing more than scrap or trade-in value LongIslandFiretrucks categories are: reserves the right to accept or reject any classifieds for any reason it deems appropriate. reserves the right to amend ad copy and to modify classified policies at any time. We have added Nassau County Department photos so far from "O-Z". Keep visiting our site and following us on facebook as we add more albums. Note in regards to the website. If you are asked to provide a password for any page on our site, it means that the page is temporarily incomplete or being built at the moment. You really do not need a password at all. Keep checking back and eventually all the content will be there as we get to it. Thanks.
Note in regards to the website. If you are asked to provide a password for any page on our site, it means that the page is temporarily incomplete or being built at the moment. You really do not need a password at all. Keep checking back and eventually all the content will be there as we get to it. Thanks.
As we populate our website with Long Island Fire Truck photos we will be sharing some of our albums put together so far as we create them. We’re doing our best to be as accurate as possible with all the information. Please feel free to add comments, feedback or any insight you would like to contribute in our ongoing effort. All our webpage threads are open to the public for comments, photos and more. Thanks.
Long island index maps.orgLong Island Index has put together a very cool map that lets you view all the fire districts and other services on Long Island. Click here to view maps
welcome!Long Island was created for private collectors and firetruck enthusiasts to share their firetruck photos. Our goal is to create a complete collection of photos for all Fire Departments on Long Island which include Nassau and Suffolk County. We hope you will enjoy our site as we update and share our progress. Please contribute to make our site better and help us achieve our goal. Thanks .
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March 2019